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Your permission for what you want

​You already have it in your power and capacity to create the life you want.

[permission to be] is an invitation for you to ask the necessary questions to grant yourself the consent you crave.

Learn how to grant yourself permission to be unapologetic about your needs and make your wellbeing non-negotiable.

You may live your life exactly as you want.

You are allowed to to say yes, to say no, to be loud, to be quiet, to be emotional, to be different than anyone you know, to change on a whim without giving a reason, and to ask for what you need without feeling like you are an awful person for doing so.
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[permission to be]

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Course Features

Seven lessons of love notes from me, containing the blanket permission to just be and act exactly as feels right

Short video lessons from my heart to yours, confirming everything you are and do is right

Journal prompts and exercises to be intentional and introspective about your wants and needs

Daily permission granting affirmations to call back the forgotten pieces of yourself in order to see your intrinsic wholeness and reclaim your power as the owner of your life

Bonus: "Your Calling" meditation

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